Spolett.ina® is the new patented system for carry-out high-quality extremely precised timed pyrotechnical chains totally in safety, saving time and money.
The transparent polymeric sheath, WATERPROOF, is not torn by the "whiplash" given by the quick match (even with the 5-string-Chinese-style), avoiding any breakdown during the fireworks display, the pyrotchinist has not to manually fire up the pyrotechnical chain One of the most dangerous procedures during a performance.
- Each Spolett.ina® polymeric sheath is a single piece, without seams or joints, therefore the only disadvantage could be a non-timed burning of fuse, even if the timer does not fit perfectly in the case. There are any risks to break the chain.
- The transparent sheath Allows the safety fuse assembly match-quick visual examination, checking at the same time the good quality of the product, as well as speeding up the connection process.
- The transparent sheath always returns to its original location, the risk that it avoinding as Between the quick match and the timers, as can happen using traditional fuses.
- The sheath itself maintains flexibility up to the temperatures of - 55 °, so Spolett.ina® works even at high mountain!
Time accuracy and reliability:
- The heart of the Spolett.ina® is the safety fuse "Portuguese" type, well known and appreciated in the fireworks industry for its accuracy and reliability. The timer itsel is a safety fuse and the standard types available are 1 "-1.2" -1.5 "-2" -2.5 "-3" -4 "-5", but we can provide personal Spolett.ina® with timer.
Non-exhaustive examples of timing and different colors:
Time-saving for fireworks displays set up:
- Each Spolett.ina® Correspond to a different color according to timer and you can control it directly and constantly thanks to its transparent sheath
- Due to the thin and flexible sheath over the safety fuse, you can connect and quick matches Spolett.ina® either with the traditional strings, and with metal staples with plastic strips.
- You can use over Spolett.ina® Because the extremely resistant safety fuses become so wrapped-in and the flexible sheath always return to their original position even after prolonged crushing.
- Spolett.ina® can be fitted with up to four quick matches.
- Perfect Interchangeability with the traditional system not allow to change one's own habits, making the most of safe and stable product over time, reducing the minimum connection time of 20%.